A bit burned out…

Hello again 😊

I seem to have lost the creative flow a bit lately and with all sorts of other things being a bit stressful, I haven’t achieved an awful lot over the last couple of weeks.  I had a free weekend this weekend and honestly felt desperate for a holiday, however, funds only permitted a ‘staycation’, so I’ve tried to make the most of having some alone time and have done as many soothing things as possible.  I made a good start on my garden, went swimming,  did some baking and did this miniature painting.

It’s only 10cm square and actually I think it looks better in person, the colours aren’t quite as dark in real life and you can’t see the glittery bits so well here.  Anyway, it’s made with a wire twisty tie thing, a found flat back gem, a couple of bits from some old jewellery and a circular something I found on a pavement.

I’ve also been working on the first of the series I plan to do using bits I find whilst out with my friend Jade whilst she’s litter picking.  It seemed to take a very long time to prime the board, probably because it was covered in a very thirsty fabric!

All the bits of rubbish were found around my village on one hour’s walking around.  This is the process so far, I wanted to add some varied texture to the canvas to start with, particularly as it already had some bits sewn on- I wanted to disguise them and add a bit of interest.  I played around with the bits and pieces until I liked the arrangement.  This is how I have stuck them:

So now I will paint over the whole lot and decide if it needs any further textured bits before adding colour.  No idea at this point what colour palette to go with, maybe something that says ‘urban decay’!

Hopefully I’ll get my art mojo back a bit this week and have a bit more to show next time🙂

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