Procrastinator extraordinaire…

Hello again, well, this week has been a very busy week full of creativity and I’m pleased to say I finally finished the pyrographed box I’d been working on for my best friend Liz. It took a very long time but that might have been because of the cheap tool I was using, may have to invest in a proper pyrography kit! Anyway, here it is, along with the original drawing which I coloured for her as well:

As I said before, I was aiming to finish a painting I have been working on for one of my colleagues this week, unfortunately it still isn’t done but I have added a fair amount to it this weekend, I’ll have to give you a work in progress picture instead:

For some reason my camera doesn’t seem to pick up the green shades in this that well, it looks a lot bluer here than it does in person.

It needs an enormous amount more work and it’s really puzzling me, I can’t seem to get ideas very quickly with it. It’s probably because it’s something I’ve been asked to do, I seem to go to pieces with the pressure of a commission! I worry so much that the recipient won’t like it that I can’t seem to make decisions!

So instead of focusing on that all weekend as I intended to, I upcycled a hair clip, re-made a brooch from ages ago that I wasn’t happy with and painted another small painting, just so I wouldn’t fail my goal of one painting per week! Oh, and I started working on a new painting which I’m doing on an old cake board.

I may redo some of the hearts on the hair clip, it was my first time using Lisa Pavelka’s Magic Gloss and I think I could improve upon them. This hairclip’s been hanging around for years waiting for me to fix it, it originally had pink heart gems but one had fallen out, so I made a mould of one of the remaining ones and had a play with the resin stuff and adding some other bits. The green and blue ones are a bit iffy!

The brooch turned out okay though, I used the magic gloss on that too as a varnish and it gives a much nicer effect. It’s made of cut out pizza box hearts, paper mâché, old beads, paint and glitter with a brooch back I got in a pack from a charity shop. I made a whole load of them a few years ago to go on valentines cards but I never really felt they looked professional enough, so I’ll have to go back and redo the others now!

So here’s my painting for the week, which I have called, ‘Procrastinocean’!

Maybe I’ll have the courage to finish my colleague’s piece before I see him at work on Friday!

See you next week 😊

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