Mother’s Day Messy Play!

So after a very unproductive week art wise, I had a bit of a panic realising there was no piece of art to blog about and made a special Mother’s Day request of my children that they join me in a collaborative effort to create something that we can keep and hang on our walls.  It was however quite late in the day, so I had to dash around gathering all the bits we needed and get them both focused on the task in hand so that they wouldn’t be too late to bed (I failed a bit there, oops!)  Anyway, I think we all had fun 😊

What could possibly go wrong?!

I got out the messy mat, found a charity shopped canvas and gathered some old tile grout, a couple of boxes of recycled bits and bobs, some paint, brushes and glue and laid it all out on our dining table.

Jesse got to work mixing up some grout with pva glue, then he and Remy both smeared that over the canvas, ready for a layer of different cardboard, tissue paper and other textured papers, which all got slathered in copious amounts of pva mixed with water and the whole thing was very soggy!  They then chose some circular bits and pieces and stuck them where they wanted over the top and ran off to play Fortnite 🙄 whilst I dried it all with my heat tool.

I then gave it all a coat of white paint and called the boys back for the colouring stage.

I got them to choose a colour each, Remy chose cyan and Jesse chose dark blue.  I decided to add yellow ochre, magenta and white as I thought there would be lots of potential for interesting colour mixes, and they seemed to like my additions.  We all got to work playing with the paint and blending the colours into eachother.  Remy lost interest after a while but Jesse loves art so the pair of us carried on tinkering until Jesse also got fed up, then it was just me doing a few bits of detail.

This is where we left it.  I think it maybe needs just a little more but Jesse liked it like this so I think we’ll at least pause for a while, maybe hang it up somewhere and see how we feel a while later 😊

So now we have this lovely thing to keep that a bit of each of us has gone in to.  I can’t think of a better thing to do on Mother’s Day 🥰

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